At the beginning of every year, the colour experts at Pantone name a new colour to represent that year – and this year’s official colour has captured our attention. It’s called Greenery, and it’s a vibrant, revitalising shade that will shake up your senses. According to Pantone… Greenery is nature’s neutral. The more submerged, Read More

What is it about the colour yellow that makes us instantly feel happier? Vincent van Gogh was a big fan. “How wonderful yellow is,” he enthused, “It stands for the sun”. It’s no wonder his most famous paintings featured swirling yellow stars and glorious sunflowers in bloom… Usually in our Now Trending posts, we take, Read More

Red is a colour that can’t help but stir up strong feelings. It’s the colour of passion; the colour we see when we get angry…and when we fall in love. There’s something about red that makes us sit up and pay attention – like when we see a red traffic light, a fire engine, Read More

Some people live for the summer, when they can spend all day lounging by the pool. Others can’t wait for winter to roll around so they can while away the hours rugged up by the fire with a cup of tea and a good book. As for us…we’re a little different, because our favourite, Read More